
‘A-Where-Wa’ 55cm x 75cm


I call Iris over to see her latest painting on the computer screen, she sits on my lap and we both look at the swirling colour formations and I try to think of a suitable name.  Iris has been particularly chatty lately, mostly in her own made up language but it’s a progression that we are all very proud of.  So I ask her what she thinks the painting should be called and she leans back into my arms and looks straight at me smiling and then repeats the words ‘a-where-wa’ over and over again.  Job done, she walks off to play with some toys, now vocalising a whole load of ‘b’ sounds as she pushes her Postman Pat van along the ground.  Feeling uncertain if I should use this name, I ask her once again what the painting should be called and she repeats the same words ‘a-where-wa’ once again, clearly and without hesitation.  So there we have it, here is ‘A-Where-Wa’ Iris’s first painting that she has named all by herself.

Prints in 42cm x 56.5cm, 33cm x 44.5cm and 23cm x 31cm aswell as the full size.